Conservation sector petitions for greater consultation on Biodiversity Conservation Bill to be debated this week


Greens South Metropolitan MLC Lynn MacLaren will today at 12:30 on the steps of Parliament receive a petition from The Wilderness Society, WA Forest Alliance, the Conservation Council and World Wildlife Fund requesting that the Biodiversity Conservation Bill 2015 be examined by the Environment and Public Affairs Committee.
“We are extremely privileged in WA to have a strong conservation sector made up of many dynamic and talented individuals represented across a number of different organisations,” Greens spokesperson for Biodiversity and Conservation Ms MacLaren said.
“They bring to the table a wealth of expertise and knowledge.
“I can’t help but lament the Government’s neglect to engage with the sector in any meaningful way before it introduced this Bill.
Ms MacLaren said she had consulted with representatives from The Conservation Council, the Urban Bushland Council, The Wilderness Society, The Cockatoo Coalition, The World Wide Fund for Nature, the WA Forest Alliance and the Leeuwin Group to name but a few, as well as attended forums, presented on panels, convened a roundtable discussion and sought out advice from others as part of her preparation for this week’s debate.
“The Government missed an opportunity to engage meaningfully with science experts and the conservation sector in the development of this Bill,” Ms MacLaren said. “There are many environmental experts who want a careful review by Parliamentary Committee.”
“The Bill has obvious flaws the Greens would like amended before the Bill passes the Legislative Council, where it is scheduled for debate this week,” she said.
Picture: With thanks to the Numbat Task Force.
Related campaign: Update Biodiversity LawsRelated portfolios: Biodiversity & Conservation