Debt collectors posing as Government department just another line of deceit


A report of a debt collection agency portraying itself as a Government department is just another underhanded and nasty tactic being used as part of the Government’s automated debt recovery program, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today.

“We have heard many times about how aggressive the debt collectors are being to struggling Australians that have accessed the social safety net in the last six years.

“It is worrying that the Government knows many people actually do not have debts but have pursued this aggressive debt collection that many would find intimidating.

“There are some people that have challenged this intimidation, this has been demonstrated by the young doctor who the debt collectors tried to deceive. There would also be many others who might not be aware that these debt collectors were not Government departments or don't think they can push back so they are trapped in a scenario where they feel helpless and stuck.

“Minister Tudge, actually start listening to the impacts this program is having. People you are supposed to represent are shouting from the rooftops for help and you are just not listening.

“The program needs to be scrapped immediately”. 

Media Release Family, Ageing, Community and Disability Services