Dennis Jensen calling Aboriginal people ‘noble savages’ is abhorrent


Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert comments on Dennis Jensen referring to Aboriginal peoples living in remote communities as ‘noble savages’:
“Western Australians will find it extremely uncomfortable that such remarks are considered acceptable by Dennis Jensen, who represents the WA federal seat of Tangney.
“Mr Jensen has displayed his extreme ignorance of Aboriginal culture, of the effects of colonisation, disadvantage and of our international obligations under various conventions.
“Australian’s have made it quite clear that remote communities should not be closed. For Mr Jensen to try and re-open this discussion achieves nothing other than reaffirming how discriminatory the dinosaurs of the Coalition can be.
“In terms of Mr Jensen’s view that there should be no ‘specific indigenous policy’, I would like to point out that entrenched disadvantage spans decades and the gap in life expectancy will not close unless we specifically address the issue.
“It needs proactive funding and efforts specific to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to help Close the Gap.
“Malcolm Turnbull should show leadership, we need an unreserved apology from Mr Jensen.”