Failure of Turnbull Government to deliver promised NBN a National tragedy: Greens



Tuesday, 6 February

The Australian Greens have called on the Turnbull government to commit to making fast, reliable internet widely available, accessible and affordable to all Australians.

NBN Spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John said the lengths this government had gone to to drive Australia backwards, far away from technological capability, were astonishing and seemingly endless.

“The failure of this government, particularly former Communications Minister and now Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, to deliver the National Broadband Network that was promised is a national tragedy.

“In September last year, the Joint Standing Committee on the NBN handed down 23 recommendations in its first report based on 191 submissions, 15 public hearings, and testimony from 179 witnesses.

“Rather than acknowledge that the NBN rollout has been botched every single step of the way and accept the recommendations in full, this arrogant government has simply brushed aside the committee’s report.

“Much like the NBN, this Government is disconnected, outdated, unreliable, slow, and lacking in (moral) fibre. It’s time for an upgrade.”

Media contact:

Tim Oliver - 0448 316 387

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