Five years on and Cattle still problem with Northern Highways.


Friday, 19th February
WA Greens Member for the Mining and Pastoral region Robin Chapple MLC has questioned the effectiveness of the Advisory Group for the Management of Straying Livestock amid more dead cattle figures received from parliamentary questions.
“In the five years since the advisory group was set up I cannot say I’ve seen a solid reduction in roaming cattle along the highway” Mr Chapple said.
“This anecdotal evidence is backed up by figures I have received in parliament,”
“From 2013 to 2014 there were a reported 68 dead cattle removed from the stretch of highway between Broome and Derby, from 2014 to present day there have been a reported 159 dead cattle.”
“This tells me that the number of stray livestock is not decreasing and the actions the Government have put in place are not working.”
“The same can be said of reported crashes, there were 32 cattle related crashes from 2009-2013 at 6.4 a year whilst there have been 16 between 2014 and 2015 at 8 a year.”
“We should remember, this is purely reported crashes and in fact the majority of cattle collisions go unreported.”
“I plead with the Government, reassess the safety of these northern highways, the problem is not fixed.”
For more information please contact Robin Chapple on 9486 8255.