Former Main Roads Commissioner’s report exposes problems, not benefits, of Perth Freight Link


Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren says a new report on the Perth Freight Link claimed by the Melville Mayor to be a “game-changer” and “bombshell” in favour of the road, could be read just as well to prove the link would be a hugely expensive waste of money.

"To quote a local journalist's recent description of the Premier, I am not sure what 'Donald Trump elixir' the Mayor of Melville has been drinking this week, but these so-called 'new findings' by a former Main Roads Commissioner actually confirm that the Perth Freight Link does not make business sense," Ms MacLaren said.

"In other words, if it was true, as the report being lauded by the Mayor claims, that if we don't build the PFL it would cost  $840 million to upgrade other roads to achieve the same results in traffic management, then as the PFL is costed at $1.9 billon, would that not be a saving of $1.1 billion?

"I think it is important we put this report in context. 

"It is written by a former Commissioner and Executive Director for Main Roads, whom I also note has previously warned that the PFL could cause major congestion problems in Fremantle.

"To quote the minutes of an April 2015 WA Freight & Logistics Council meeting, the author, Mr Greg Martin, warned then that the PFL 'may create problems at the Fremantle end as the PFL funnelled fast-moving traffic towards the Port, potentially to be held up at Canning Highway.'

"I am conscious that neither the Mayor of Melville nor it seems, the Barnett Government, care what problems the PFL would cause for Fremantle and surrounding suburbs, nor for the traffic and trucks that would find themselves back up on it -  but as member for the south metropolitan region, these are problems that I am very aware of and will work hard to ensure do not happen."

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