Full and adequate funding for the NDIS must be guaranteed: Greens


Friday, 27 April

Australian Greens Disability Rights Spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John said today he was deeply concerned about the ongoing uncertainty of funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, given the government was still trying to deliver $65 billion worth of company tax cuts.

“Funding for the NDIS should be an absolute priority for this and any future government; we are talking about the full realisation of the human rights of disabled people in Australia not a political football to be tossed round to try and win votes!

“I am absolutely appalled that this government is fighting for a massive $65billion giveaway to their corporate mates but won’t safeguard the NDIS, and in turn fight for the full realisation of the human rights of disabled people in Australia.

“Multibillion dollar giveaways to the big end of town should not be on the table, especially when this government has not clearly articulated how they will guarantee the full and adequate funding of the NDIS.

“The Australian Greens will be looking closely at the budget to ensure the full and adequate funding of the NDIS, and we will always proudly advocate for the full realisation of the scheme and acknowledgment of the human rights of disabled people in Australia.”


Media Release Disability Services