Government fish kill report confirms Greens’ warnings to protect Cockburn Sound from polluting marina


A Government report has shown that an algal bloom that killed more than 2,000 fish in Cockburn Sound in November started in Mangles Bay, in the Sound’s south, and spread outwards, confirming Greens’ warnings that a polluting canal estate proposed for Mangles Bay will greatly worsen future conditions for fish across the whole Sound.

“The Department of Fisheries report shows that there were very high numbers of the algae in Mangles Bay during the fish kill and it also warns that Mangles Bay also suffers from low levels of dissolved oxygen which was also a factor in the fish kill,” Greens Member for South Metropolitan Lynn MacLaren MLC said.

“This further increases the Greens’ concerns that the Barnett Government, through LandCorp, is proposing to build an inland marina, in effect a canal estate, at Mangles Bay – a development which the Environmental Protection Authority has warned will further reduce water quality in the Sound Bay and increase the chances of algal blooms.

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