Government foolish to start work on Roe 8 before State Election – Greens


Greens Member for South Metropolitan Region Lynn MacLaren MLC has called the Barnett Government “gung-ho” for its plans to start work on Roe 8 before the State Election.
“Starting work on Roe 8 now represents a massive financial risk to the State,” Ms MacLaren said.
“Since the tabling of the Roe 8 contracts in the Lower House yesterday, we know a termination clause sets out the conditions and costs the Government would have to meet if the project was stopped.
“And we know that the ALP have referred the contracts to lawyers for advice.
“Mark McGowan must give residents who stand to be negatively affected by the project peace of mind and commit to tearing up documents should the ALP win the election in March.
“In the meantime, the Government’s insistence on starting work before the end of the year can only be considered reckless and extremely foolish.”
Related campaign: Stop Roe 8 - Save Beeliar WetlandsRelated portfolios: Transport