Government indifference helping spread asbestos fears


The Barnett Government’s apparent indifference despite confirmed widespread asbestos contamination in the Roe 8 project area is adding to fears in neighbourhoods in the vicinity of the dust clouds, Greens South Metropolitan MLC Lynn MacLaren says.

“Homeowners who have had dust settling on their furniture for weeks after they first contacted authorities are now worrying at night about respiratory symptoms,” Ms MacLaren said.

“A childcare centre has contacted me because parents using the service want to know if their children will be safe.

“We are trying to help them get answers but the Government is not helping because it is not responding to these concerns with thoroughness and transparency, or any urgency.

“Government authorities were first contacted by residents more than a month ago – they have had more than enough time to get their act together.

“Meanwhile, Main Roads has failed to follow its Construction Environmental Management Plan which says that if contamination is found to be more widespread than the preliminary site investigation for Roe 8 showed, then work will cease and investigation will be conducted with Department of Environmental Regulation, with remedial action undertaken.

“As far as we can tell, none of these steps have occurred.

“The handling of this issue can only be described as the reckless and bumbling actions of a Government that regards residents and businesses in the vicinity of Roe 8 as collateral damage.”

To find out more about asbestos exposure, visit 


Related campaign:  Stop Roe 8 - Save Beeliar Wetlands