Government must reconsider response to gaming inquiry in the name of innovation: Greens


This Government’s repeated attacks on Australia’s video games industry, climaxing last week in the tabling of a totally inadequate government response to the Future of The Australian Video Games Development Industry Inquiry, doesn’t fit into their so-called ‘innovation agenda’.

Australian Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John today moved a motion, which was passed by the Senate, calling on the Government to reconsider their response to the inquiry and support the Australian video games industry.

“For a government so concerned with selling the message of innovation, it is deeply hypocritical to continue to ignore the creative, cultural, and economic contributions of the video games industry.

“It’s been almost 4 years since this government cancelled the interactive games fund, and almost 2 years since the inquiry unanimously determined that this funding should be reinstated to support industry growth and innovation.

“This government’s total ignorance of the potential future of the booming and blooming, not just digital but also creative, industry in Australia is dumbfounding and reckless. The Australian video games industry deserves better.”

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Tim Oliver - 0448 316 387

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