Government should focus less on spying on Australians, more on protecting them: Greens


The Australian Government is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to spy on Australians and we still don’t have promised data breach notification laws, meanwhile ‘critical national resource’ the Bureau of Meteorology was comprehensively hacked by a foreign state, the Australian Greens said today.
“This Government has its priorities exactly backwards when it comes to digital rights and security.  Malcolm Turnbull’s priority, first as Communications Minister, then as Prime Minister, was to scoop up every digital trace left by ordinary Australians, despite the total absence of evidence that mandatory data retention would keep people safe. At the same time, the 2016 Australian Cyber Security Centre Threat report documents more than a thousand serious breaches that have happened on his watch,” Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Communications spokesperson Senator Scott Ludlam said today.
“The Prime Minister loves to drop buzzwords about how important digital security is for governments, businesses and individuals. He would better serve the Australian people if he invested in protection, not pointless surveillance,” Senator Ludlam said.

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