Government’s response to Games Inquiry is another missed opportunity for innovation and economic growth


The Government’s long-awaited response to the Games Inquiry has been released today, in which they note the unanimous recommendations of the inquiry into the future of the video games industry in Australia and make it clear that they do not care if the industry has a future, said Senator Jordon Steele-John, the Australian Greens Spokesperson for Digital Rights and IT.


“The Government just doesn’t get it. It took them over 600 days, and this is the best they have got!


"They clearly do not understand the creative, economic, and cultural value of this important industry and seem to have logged off. Defaulting to tired lines about their National Innovation and Science Agenda just does not cut it. 


“The Government is rejecting the recommendations of its own members and Minister Fifield is robbing all Australians of the right to benefit from the significant cultural and economic contribution that a thriving Australian Games Industry would provide. 


“The funding that the Government mentions is not targeted to supporting the Games Industry and is not sufficient. This is a Creative industry that requires the same supports that film and television firms can access. 


“It is hilarious that they have noted the majority of recommendations without any commitment to follow through with them. In response, we note their lack of support for the Games Industry.


 “It is clear that this industry requires a 21st century broadband network to support it. The Government could not be more disconnected from the Australian people by reaffirming their support for their own botched National Broadband Network.


"This Government’s NBN has been plagued with issues since Malcolm Turnbull switched it off – and turned it on again as a new multi-technology mix network.


 “They are AFK, and given their track record, I wouldn’t trust this Government to innovate its way out of a paper bag!”


“The Australian Greens continue to proudly support the Australian Games Industry and will ensure that their voice is heard and respected in the Parliament."

The Government's response to the Inquiry can be found here.

Media Release Digital Rights & I.T.