Govt must stop pre-empting cashless welfare card success to spruik broader rollout: Greens


Comments by the Government about rolling out the cashless welfare card more broadly come as no surprise, as that has been their agenda all along, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today.
“The Government needs to stop hinting at an extended rollout of the cashless welfare card until the trials have been independently evaluated following the completion of the full trial period.
“So far the Government has pushed out premature, piecemeal and mostly anecdotal evidence of the trials to pre-empt evaluation of the card. This throws the legitimacy of the trials into question.
“Rather than trying to use very early data and anecdotal feedback to justify suggestions that the card could be rolled out broadly, the Government should respect the trial process and await the independent evaluation”. 

Media ReleaseFamily, Ageing, Community and Disability Services