Greater transparency needed in NDIS transition: Greens


The Greens have called on the State Government to make public the draft legislation and results of the comparative evaluation in the transition of the National Disability Insurance Scheme being administered by WA, to ensure transparency and certainty of services for people with disability and their families.

Greens candidate, Samantha Jenkinson, welcomed the advancement by the both the State and Federal Governments regarding the NDIS,  but said people with disability and their families needed to be part of the process at every step.

“I’m glad a decision has finally been made, because it provides people with disability and their families’ greater certainty that they won’t have to deal with three different systems for much longer,” she said.

“But there needs to be more involvement in the governance and design in WA by people receiving the services because the current trial system, My Way, is still nowhere near perfect. 

“It was disappointing to hear today that the draft legislation and results of the comparative evaluation haven’t been made public and it is unclear how this decision has made without it being released.

“There are some key areas where there are still a lot concern, including having an independent appeals process and the role of local coordinators in both planning and funding decision making.

“For this to work in the long term, we have to make sure there are people with experience in all levels of government including the parliament to make sure it keep going in the right direction.”

Greens candidate for the North Metropolitan region Alison Xamon said of additional concern has been the roll out of psycho-social disability within the My Way scheme.

“The inclusion of psycho-social disability was a last minute decision which means the unique issues for people with mental illness has not been fully resolved,” she said.

“We need greater transparency and greater inclusion of the voice of lived experience in order to ensure we get this right."

Media contact: Sarah Quinton 0439 439 233