Green Growth Plan debacle postponed until after election


Greens Planning Spokesperson Lynn MacLaren MLC has welcomed the Government’s decision to delay finalising its key planning document for the Perth-Peel region until after the March State election but has warned community groups now is not the time to stay silent on their concerns for local bushlands and wetlands under threat.
“The voluminous draft Green Growth Plan, aka ‘Greed Growth Plan’ or ‘Green Growth Scam’,  that the Government released last December was full of errors and inconsistencies and basically, a dog’s breakfast,” Ms MacLaren said.
“So the Greens are glad to have confirmed that the Government won’t rush finalizing the Plan before the State election.
“That said, given the number of mistakes and inconsistencies that the Greens and others highlighted in 600-plus individual submissions, the draft Plan should be re-released with the correct information so the public to comment on it before it is finalised by Cabinet.
“So far, the Barnett Government has refused to do that and stated Cabinet will finalize the Plan ‘mid-2017’.
“The Plan will form a bilateral strategic planning document between the State and Commonwealth. The Greens will demand that at the least it should be re-released for public inspection and submissions at the time that it is sent to the Federal Government for assessment.
“Many of the plants, animals and ecosystems that are threatened by what is proposed in the Plan are listed for protection under Federal environmental laws – such as Carnaby’s black cockatoos and banksia woodland.
“That is a strong reason why local communities need to be able to keep checking and correcting the Plan, so that key species and ecosystems are not forgotten.
“The Greens also call on the ALP to commit to re-writing and releasing the Plan if they win Government in March. So far, they have been silent.
“The Greens will consistently pressure whoever is in Government to ensure that the Green Growth Plan achieves what it is supposed to do – that is, preserve Perth and Peel’s most important bush and wetland areas for future generations.”
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