Greens announce funding support for national redress scheme


The Greens have announced a package that would establish a national redress scheme for survivors of child abuse in institutional settings if elected.

In line with the recommendations of the Royal Commission, the scheme will provide redress payments ranging from $10,000 up to $200,000. The scheme has been fully costed by the Parliamentary Budget Office.

The scheme would provide monetary payments in line with the recommendations of the Royal Commission, as well as counselling and psychological support. Under the Greens policy, the Commonwealth would contribute with state and territory governments to the scheme (as ‘funders of last resort’) to ensure every survivor has access to justice.

“For too many years, survivors of child abuse have suffered in silence, the Royal Commission is an important first step, but we must go further than that”, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today.

“Many victims of child abuse have not been able to seek the compensation they deserve. We need a way for survivors to seek redress.

“This announcement goes further than the Coalition, who will not commit to providing shortfall funding, and the Labor party, who have only committed to establishing an agency.

“We must have the courage to deliver full redress to those who have suffered for so long”.  

*please see national redress scheme attached*