Greens back call for breastfeeding in Parliament and better parent facilities


Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren has backed calls to allow young children into Parliament to allow breastfeeding MPs to do their job properly.
“The current rules actively discriminate against breastfeeding mothers and stop them doing their job properly.
“Most of the time while Parliament is sitting, all MPs are able to come and go from the Chamber to attend to work or personal requirements but when a Division is called, which is often at a moment’s notice, that is when all MPs must be in the Chamber for their vote to be counted,” Ms MacLaren explained.
“This poses a problem if you have a very young child that needs to feed just at that moment, the rules will regard that child as a ‘stranger’ who cannot be allowed into the Chamber.
“It’s high time we changed this and enabled parents to participate fully in the Parliament.
“The Federal Parliament recognised the need to be more family-friendly earlier this year and it’s time WA caught up with the times too.
“The Greens want better parent support in general at the WA Parliament, including changing and nursing facilities and a crèche.
“Even basic facilities such as change tables in parent rooms are lacking.”