Greens back calls for Environment Court in Western Australia


The Greens have today backed calls from WA scientists for the establishment of an independent environment court to rule on appeals about whether large-scale projects can go ahead.

Greens spokesperson for biodiversity Lynn MacLaren MLC said she supported calls from The Leeuwin Group of Concerned Scientists to urgently establish the court – a body that exists in all states in Australia except WA.

“The Supreme Court and Federal Court threw out cases brought by Save Beeliar Wetlands which questioned the legitimacy of the Roe 8 approvals process,” Ms MacLaren said.

“This demonstrates that WA lacks a mechanism to hold the WA Government to account for its decisions which negatively affect the environment.

“WA is the only state in Australia which does not already have a court specifically for environmental matters.

“It is clear the system is failing to protect our flora and fauna and human health.

“The Greens will ensure that whoever is in Government is held to account for protecting our remaining precious places.” 

Related campaign:  Update Biodiversity Laws Related portfolios:  Biodiversity & Conservation