Greens call on Government to admit unfunded Roe 8 project a shambles


Greens South Metropolitan MLC Lynn MacLaren says today’s revelation that federal funding for Roe 8 will be withheld makes the Barnett Government look ridiculous.
It is no surprise that the Federal Government requires more detail for how Roe 8 might link with the Port before funds are released. The Liberals obsession with building this road through the wetlands, regardless of whether it fits into an efficient freight network, reveals how little substance the Perth Freight Link has.
“My Greens colleague in the Senate Rachel Siewert today confirmed during Senate Estimates that for funding to be provided to the Barnett Government for Roe 8, both Project Proposal Reports for stages one and two must be completed and assessed,” Ms MacLaren said.
“We know that the State Government has not yet provided a Project Proposal Report for stage two – in fact, just last week Transport Minister Bill Marmion admitted during an interview on morning radio there were “four ways” trucks might get to Fremantle Port.  
“For Bill Marmion to have just a “pretty good idea” which of the potential stage two route options may be taken to Cabinet – just days before this Government planned to sign construction contracts – is ridiculous.
“The Greens have been saying all along that the Roe 8 project is disastrous.
“When will Colin Barnett admit the project is a shambles?”
Related campaign: Stop Roe 8 - Save Beeliar WetlandsRelated portfolios: Transport