Greens call for an immediate halt to Roe 8 site works, pending result of Senate Inquiry


In the light of damning evidence presented at yesterday’s Senate inquiry, Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren calls for an immediate stop work at the Roe 8 site, pending Senate Inquiry Report on 6 March.

Member for South Metropolitan Region Lynn MacLaren MLC said new evidence which emerged at yesterday’s hearing in Perth added to a long list of compliance breaches at Beeliar Wetlands.

“The Barnett Government failed time and time again to comply with conditions set out by the EPA and the Ministerial conditions.

“Contractors continued with bulldozing when endangered species were present - they installed netting along fence lines which lead to their deaths. 

“Endangered quendas and oblong turtles were trapped incorrectly.

“Yesterday’s inquiry heard the EPA had been sent 20 emails with 50 separate breaches over 150 pages.

“When it was discovered that the work site was contaminated with asbestos - with a threat to residents' health - did it stop work to investigate? No.

“Instead it carried on, providing no information to a community worried about the health of their families.

“These very serious apparent breaches, coupled with the lack of business case, ad hoc transport planning and inaccurate traffic and noise modelling, reveal that Roe 8 represents the very worst of the Barnett Government and Government agencies.

“If Mr Barnett and other parties are so adamant that all conditions set out by the EPA have been met, why did neither he, State Environment Minister Albert Jacob, Main Roads or the Department of Health attend yesterday’s hearing to defend their actions?”

Ms MacLaren strongly urged the contractors to immediately stop work, until the Senate Committee report was handed down on 6 March.

She said The Greens would move for a comprehensive State Inquiry in the new State Parliament.



Related campaign:  Stop Roe 8 - Save Beeliar Wetlands