Greens commit to Royal Commission into abuse, violence and neglect of people with disability and call on ALP and Coalition to do the same


The Australian Greens have today committed $400m over four years to fund a Royal Commission into abuse, violence and neglect of people with disability in institutional and residential settings.

Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has called on the ALP and coalition to do the same:

“Right now, across the country, many people with disability are experiencing abuse, violence and neglect whilst in institutional and residential settings. Both the ALP and the coalition have failed so far to even acknowledge this plight throughout the Federal election campaign.

“The Greens secured a national senate inquiry on this issue last year after hearing of abuse across the country.

“In residential and aged care facilities, hospitals, detention, or other institutions, people with disability experience violence, abuse and neglect far too often.

“It is time to act on the recommendations of the senate inquiry to fix the system, we need a Royal Commission into abuse, violence and neglect of people with disability in institutional and residential settings. The Greens want clear, immediate action on this issue.

"We call on the ALP and the coalition to support such a Royal Commission, they have heard the evidence and I ask them not to ignore it and commit to fully investigating it to ensure such abuse and violence is ended”.