Wednesday, 7 October
WA Greens Uranium spokesperson Robin Chapple MLC said Toro Energy’s announcement last week to postpone development at its Wiluna uranium project was a sign of things to come.
“Realistically, I would like to think that this mine is unlikely to ever enter full production,” Mr Chapple said.
“Global uranium prices have been flat-lining at their current level for five years now and I just don’t see there being a surge in demand in the next five years.
“Renewable energy is only going to become more viable, and more desirable, for developing nations to invest in under mounting international pressure to act on climate change mitigation.
“Circumstance has led to nuclear power becoming unnecessary before it ever went mainstream; recent independent analysis has proven this and Australia’s policies should reflect it.
“As a developed nation we have an opportunity and a responsibility to help our neighbours take up renewable energy solutions as a part of their development
“Support for this project is coming from a cash-strapped government incapable of seeing the bigger picture; the West Australian people want nothing to do with uranium!”
For comment please contact Media liaison Tim Oliver on 0431 9696 25 or 9486 8255.