Greens housing affordability 2016 election pledge


The Australian Greens 2016 election campaign for real action on housing affordability is now more important than ever in light of Anglicare’s Rental Snapshot released today showing Australians continue to struggle to find suitable housing.
“Each year, this amazing charity delivers this stark report and each year Governments sit on their hands and ignores the problem as it gets worse,” said Senator Ludlam.
“Anglicare have stated negative gearing and the capital gains tax exemption are locking current and future generations out of the property market.
“The Greens have announced two packages of tax measures which would ease housing affordability pressure by phasing out negative gearing and the capital gains tax exemptions and we will have more to say during the upcoming election campaign.”
The report found out of the 75,410 properties assessed just 21 were affordable for single adults living on Newstart and just one house for a young person on Youth Allowance.
“What’s most concerning in the report is that both Federal and State Governments are stepping away from public and social housing,” Mr Ludlam said.
“Election 2016 is shaping up as a housing affordability election and the Greens are ready to do what is right for people experiencing housing stress, otherwise we will continue to see this snapshot every year.”
Capital Gains Tax initiative
Negative Gearing announcement