Greens launch ag package that would help innovate agriculture to combat climate change


The Greens are taking a major sustainable agriculture package to the election with a focus on research and development so that farmers can continue to grow the world’s best quality food despite mounting pressures that include climate change.

“More than anyone, farmers understand the struggles of climate change and the impacts that can have on our food production. Couple mounting pressures from climate change with increasing costs, and farmers have worrying prospects ahead of them.

“There are key issues the Government is letting farmers down on, they are missing in action on climate change, and their delayed backpacker tax continues to create uncertainty for farmers who need a workforce in the lead up to harvest. They are failing on Landcare and their most recent federal budget was lacklustre.

“The Greens agriculture package would invest in science and innovation, with $75  million in additional research and development funding over four years. $100 million over four years would establish a centre for Sustainable Agriculture.

“Additionally, a network of 180 ‘agricultural extension officers’ would help farmers in applying new technology to help them farm more efficiently and sustainably.

“The package would also reverse the backpackers tax whilst providing an extra $731 million in funding over the forward estimates for Landcare.

“Our farmers are key to food security and stewardship of our natural resources, we need to continue to invest in research and innovation. With a changing climate, resources outlined in the greens package are absolutely essential”.