Greens likely to hold balance of power in WA’s Upper House


The Greens (WA) have achieved one of their best results in the Western Australian state election and will likely enter the 42nd Parliament with four MPs and the balance of power in the Upper House.

The party’s only sitting MP, Dr Brad Pettitt MLC, has been re-elected alongside former ABC journalist Sophie McNeill and former East Metropolitan MLC Tim Clifford.

While counting for the Upper House is still underway, the Greens are highly likely  to pick up a fourth seat and elect forest campaigner Jess Beckerling, who was instrumental in leading the campaign to end native forest logging in Western Australia.

The party also saw significant swings towards them across the state, particularly in Perth, Maylands, Mt Lawley, Victoria Park, Nedlands, Cannington and Kalamunda.

While counting is still underway and the result still in doubt, the strong swings to the Greens and community independents show that Western Australians urgently want the government to take stronger action on climate.

The Greens say with likely four MPs in the Upper House they appear set to hold the balance of power and are ready to get to work from day one to push the re-elected Labor government to scrap unfair evictions, ban fracking in the Kimberley, end mining in native Jarrah forests and legislate strong action on climate change.

Quotes attributable to WA Greens MLC Dr Brad Pettitt:

“This is an historic election result for the Greens; we’ve kept the Liberals out for a record third term but also sent a strong message to Labor that they have to act on the housing, cost of living and climate crises.

“WA Labor have squandered their opportunity to implement lasting change over the last four years with a majority in both houses of Parliament as we’ve seen rents go through the roof, housing waitlists grow, and more West Australians than ever before struggling to make ends meet.

“Meanwhile, WA’s emissions continue to rise and our precious natural environment is under threat because this Labor government failed to take science seriously and act on climate and biodiversity.

“While the count continues and we don’t yet know the final result, a clear take away from this election is that hundreds of thousands of West Australians have voted for progressive change. Roger Cook’s Labor government will have a choice of either working constructively with the Greens in the Upper House, or siding with the Liberals and far-right parties.

“The Greens look forward to using this mandate  in the Upper House to be strong voice for the community on these vital issues and to push the next Labor government to act.”