Greens MLC remains opposed to Aboriginal Heritage Act Amendments


Friday 19 February, 2016
Greens Member for the Mining and Pastoral Region, Robin Chapple MLC, says that he remains strongly opposed to the re-tabled Aboriginal Heritage Act amendments, and will seek to strike them down.
“All the Bill provides for, with regard to the voice of Aboriginal peoples, is the transfer of most of the Aboriginal Cultural Material Committee’s functions to the Department of Aboriginal Affairs’ Chief Executive Officer,” he explained.  
“The government has left substantial matters to undrafted regulations, such as what the CEO will consider and information required before deciding what is left on or taken off the register.
“It is disappointing that the Bill omits all of which have been repeatedly raised in previous reports on the Act and also in the 2012 round of submissions; all of which aimed to improve protection of Aboriginal heritage and the involvement of Aboriginal peoples in that process.
“There has been enough community backlash to see people are vehemently opposed to this Bill. 
“If the Government are true to their word and want to design legislation that protects our unique Aboriginal heritage, then it is back to the drawing board they must go.
“The Greens will continue to oppose the Bill in its current form. “
For more information please contact Robin Chapple on 9486 8255