Greens pen letter to PM explaining how Royal Commission into youth detention can be national yet timely


Following more revelations of mistreatment of young people and Amnesty’s report on Queensland detention Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has written to the Prime Minister about the Royal Commission into youth detention in Don Dale and the Northern Territory.

The letter urgently requests that the Royal Commission be expanded, pointing to a two-tiered approach to remedy concerns that a national Royal Commission would take too long.

“Investigation into mistreatment and abuse should not end at a Territory border. There is evidence showing mistreatment in youth detention spans across the country.  

“I understand the Prime Minister’s concerns that an expanded Royal Commission could take longer, but there are ways of addressing that concern that are clearly outlined in this letter.

“The Royal Commission could be two-tiered, and could focus on and report first on the Northern Territory and Don Dale, and the second part could investigate youth detention across the country.  This approach will ensure that the NT gets the urgent attention it needs, whilst still ensuring a national investigation.

“I wait for Prime Minister Turnbull to explain in his reply why this is not a viable option. For vulnerable young people, abuse, racism and neglect do not stop at state borders; neither should justice”.