Greens to re-introduce War Powers Bill in light of Chilcot review


The Australian Greens have renewed their call for an inquiry into Australia's participation in the Iraq war in light of the damning findings of the Chilcot review.
The Greens will also re-introduce their War Powers Bill as soon as Parliament returns, requiring Parliamentary approval when Australia participates in any war.
"Our own decision makers must be held to account for their involvement in the conflict, and our parliament given the power to decide when we go to war," Greens Foreign Affairs spokesperson Senator Scott Ludlam said this morning. 
“The Chilcot report into the United Kingdom’s involvement into the Iraq war is a damning document, confirming the serious failures of leadership and decision making that led to the illegal and immoral war.
“This war led to the deaths of up to one million Iraqis, and created instability and violence that continues today. Iraqis continue to pay a terrible price for this invasion. It also led to the deaths of two Australian soldiers.
“The invasion occurred long before other options for a peaceful resolution were explored.
“The report confirms that UK leaders lied to the public about their reasons for going to war. We must now ensure that those leaders that led to Australian engagement in the conflict, particularly then-Prime Minister John Howard, are held to account. 
“The Greens call on the Government to initiate an urgent independent inquiry into Australia’s involvement in the Iraq War. The failures highlighted in the Chilcot report are not isolated to the United Kingdom alone, and Australia must urgently consider the role it has played in this disastrous military intervention.
“The report also illustrates the critical need for the Parliament to have the power to decide when to deploy Australian troops to overseas conflict. The only way to be sure there is accountability and scrutiny is for the Parliament to decide. 
“As soon as Parliament returns, the Greens will re-introduce our War Powers bill, which requires parliamentary approval when such a grave decision is made.”