Greens slam Main Roads for shoddy Roe 8 Noise Management Plan


The Greens have today questioned whether the Main Roads has relied on faulty modelling elsewhere when planning Roe 8, following the release of new analysis which shows noise management and road design plans are invalid.

Greens member for South Metropolitan Region Lynn MacLaren MLC said the study from UWA School of Physics researcher and acoustics specialist Shane Chambers, which showed higher than expected noise levels would have an adverse effect on nearby residents, was one concrete example of how decisions had been based on shoddy modelling.

She said the study’s release called into question the validity of other modelling the party had used to justify the destructive Roe 8 project.

“The fact that the Liberal Party is trying hard not to release any information about the project further fuels speculation that decisions may have been based on incorrect data,” Ms MacLaren said.

Related campaign:  Stop Roe 8 - Save Beeliar Wetlands