Greens Support Ongoing Community Struggle on Controversial Roe 8 Project


"Today's Court of Appeal decision reinstating the environmental approvals for a section of Perth’s controversial Freight Link project only strengthens our resolve to protect the Beeliar wetlands from the proposed Roe 8 freeway extension” said Lynn MacLaren MLC, the Greens’ spokesperson for Biodiversity & Conservation and Urban Bushland & Wetlands.

“This is a devastating road to nowhere through a peaceful, well-loved area of significant conservation value. This road never should have been approved.
“I support the community's wish to take this all the way to the High Court if need be.
“If this decision stands clearly Western Australia’s current environmental laws are too weak to actually protect biodiversity and areas of high conservation value like the Beeliar Wetlands.
“The Greens will continue to work to strengthen environmental protection for the benefit of the community,” Ms MacLaren concluded.

Related campaign: Stop Roe 8 - Save Beeliar WetlandsThe Perth Freight LinkPerth's Urban ForestRelated portfolios: TransportPlanningUrban Bushland and Wetlands