Greens urge Government to implement Senate report into Out of Home Care


The Greens are urging the Minister for Social Services to read and implement the 39 recommendations of the Senate report on out of home care.
"The Coalition seems to have an obsession with adoption and I'm concerned that this blinds them to the issues that need to be addressed to improve out of home care. There are about 43,000 kids in out of home care, adoption is not going to place all these kids," Senator Rachel Siewert, Australian Greens spokesperson on family and community services said today.
"The Government needs to realise that there are serious problems in the out of home care system and address them.
"I chaired a Senate Community Affairs Committee inquiry into out of home care which reported just a few months ago. The report made 39 recommendations that addressed issues such as measures to stop kids going into care in the first place and then how to improve the system of care" said Senator Siewert.
"I urge the Minister to read the report and start working on implementing the recommendations instead of just focusing on adoption," said Senator Siewert.