Greens vow to ensure State agencies, ministers are held to account on Roe 8, following revelation of fudged figures


Greens South Metropolitan MLC Lynn MacLaren says all State agencies and ministers will be forced to answer questions at a future State Parliamentary inquiry, following the revelation of documents obtained under Freedom of Information laws which prove what the Greens have been saying all along – Roe 8 stinks, exceptionally.

“Time and time again I asked the Government during question time in Parliament to reveal the traffic modelling on which Roe was based,” Ms MacLaren said.

“I will ensure those responsible for this massive failing are held responsible.

“Taxpayers deserve answers from Main Roads WA, the Transport Minister and the Environment Minister, among others and as long as there are Greens in Parliament these answers will be sought.

“They can run but they cannot hide.

“From the lack of transport planning, inaccurate traffic and noise modelling, killing of wildlife and other documented breaches of conditions, slow and uninterested response to health concerns over asbestos and the wilful rush to destroy sacred sites, Roe 8 represents the very worst of the Barnett Government and the bureaucracies it has politicised.

“Roe 8 shows in every way the need for a genuine alternative in government.

“I will initiate a State Parliamentary inquiry when Parliament resumes in 2017.

“I have already submitted reasons to the Auditor-General why Roe 8 and the Perth Freight Link should be the subject of an audit.

“The terms of reference for the State Parliamentary inquiry would be broad and they could include:

  • the decision to invest more than half a billion dollars of taxpayer funds without conducting any business case or other stage of a Gateway Review;
  • traffic modelling and noise pollution;
  • breaches of environmental conditions including inadequate offsets and failure to follow management plans including in relation to fauna;
  • destruction of known spiritual and archaeological sites;  and
  • the handling of serious health concerns in relation to asbestos.

“I welcome further community input into the above.”

Lynn is responding to this article from WA Today. 

Related campaign:  Stop Roe 8 - Save Beeliar Wetlands