Greens (WA) position on live exports


The Greens (WA) believes that the livestock export industry is in immediate need of restructure.

Temporary suspensions of trade and threats of penalties against shipping companies for welfare infringements have not succeeded in preventing large animal mortality rates on vessels arriving in the heat of the Middle East.

Companies simply cannot afford to install air conditioning on their carriers to ensure animal comfort, nor would it be economical for them to lessen stock density. The Greens (WA) believes it is now time for the Government to focus on transitioning the live export industry to a more humane and sustainable model with time-based measurable goals, to ensure farmers’ livelihoods are secure.

This includes the establishment of onshore processing opportunities for Australian chilled meats exports as an alternative industry.

In the meantime, while the trade continues, the Greens supports the restriction of live exports to the months when the sheep are not in as much danger of overheating in the Gulf summers.

Typically, this would be in the period from around June to September. Since the travel time from WA to the Gulf regions is about a month, this would mean ships would be discouraged from loading sheep from May to August.

The Greens (WA) will continue to push for greater enforcement of regulations on animal welfare and increased care on board ships.