Greens warn Liberal deal could reinstate One Nation in WA


The Western Australian Greens have warned against a Liberal preference deal that could reinstate Pauline Hanson’s One Nation party into the State Parliament, potentially providing a voice for bigotry as seen in the Federal Senate.

Greens candidate for North Metro Alison Xamon said the rise of nationalism that we have seen in the U.S. and across Europe must not be replicated here in WA, because it divides rather than unifies our communities.

“It is disturbing if the Liberal party care more about saving their own skin than the compassionate people of Western Australia, who don’t want to see the emergence of One Nation in this state,” she said.

“If the Liberals preference One Nation first, it gives them a stamp of approval and decency which could make Liberal voters comfortable with delivering a One nation candidate. This entire plan could backfire at the expense of all WA.

“The Greens have a strong record of advocating for the most vulnerable people in our community, from a vast array of backgrounds and needs. We will provide a direct line into the WA State Parliament for communities who want to stand up to bigotry and divisive fear tactics that drive our communities apart.

“We don’t want to see a repeat of the fear based speech Pauline Hanson made in the Senate, which prompted all ten Greens Senators to walk out, standing up for all Australian Muslim and multicultural groups.

“The Greens received thousands of phone calls from people across the country, thanking us for standing up against bigotry, and we will do the same in the WA State Parliament.

“The Greens recognise that people are sick and tired of the two major parties, and we want to make it clear that we are providing a voice for people who feel let down and betrayed by political elites focused only on the next election.”

Media contact: Sarah Quinton 0439 439 233