Greens warn preference deals with One Nation legitimises racism


A preference deal with One Nation will only serve to legitimise racism and division within Western Australian politics say the Greens.

The comments were made today by Greens candidate and former Member of Parliament Alison Xamon in response to admissions by the Liberal Party that they are currently in discussions with One Nation over a potential preference swap in the upcoming state election.

"Now that One Nation are running in the upcoming WA state election, the Greens will be putting them last on our How to Vote cards.  And the other parties should as well," Ms Xamon said.

“One Nation have long been a voice of division within Australia.  

“Their ongoing campaigns against entire sections of our Australian community have been a source of great distress and despair.

"Australia deserves better than to have voices of hate within our Parliaments.  If political parties flirt with the idea of preference swaps with One Nation then they are in effect saying that racism is acceptable.

"To be clear, racism is never acceptable and has no place in a united and fair Australia.  

"One Nation has not changed one bit from the hateful racist rhetoric they peddled two decades ago when all parties made a decision to place them last on their tickets.  

"The only thing that has changed is that they now direct their shameful racist tirades at a different group of Australians."