Greens welcome commitment for cycling infrastructure and Metre Matters trial


Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren has warmly welcomed today’s election promise by the Labor party to implement a trial of 1 metre passing rules and develop more cycling infrastructure.

“I introduced a Bill for safe passing distances in March 2014, so this has been a long time coming,” Ms MacLaren said.

“In the meantime other states have conducted trials and adopted new laws while WA has seen more cyclist road fatalities.”

“Twenty-eight people on bicycles were killed between 2010-2015. We don’t have the stats for serious injuries, but we can guess that there were many more people who were hospitalised or injured due to road accidents between cars and people on bicycles.”

“The Governments of South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales, the ACT and Queensland have all held inquiries or initiated trials. All trials completed have concluded that safe passing distance laws are needed. South Australia, Tasmania and Queensland have already passed new laws.

“At least both of the old parties now agree with us that something needs to change to save lives of people who ride bicycles in WA.”

“It’s a credit to the Amy Gillett Foundation and cyclist advocacy groups from WestCycle to the Over 55’s Cycling Group who have been meeting with parliamentarians, road user groups like the RACWA, and writing letters for several years.”

“Though I haven’t seen the details, the promise of a significant investment in cycling infrastructure is wonderful news.”

The Greens will continue to work toward realising all of the policies outlined in our Bike Vision.


Related campaign:  Making Cycling Safer Related portfolios:  Transport