Greens welcome report that shows the importance of Indigenous Rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas


Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has welcomed the finding from the Country Needs People report - Protecting Nature For All Of Us, which shows the overwhelming benefit of the Indigenous Rangers program.

“Indigenous rangers and Indigenous Protected Areas have become a key component of ensuring environmental benefits for our country, turning around environmental degradation and species decline.

“It also keeps alive the traditional knowledge of caring for the land and matches it with science to create the best possible outcome for preservation.

“It is wonderful to read the report and see successful case studies for the many different programs across the country; in my home state, it is great to see KJ Martu Rangers restoring the Western Desert with traditional burning.

“The Australian Greens recently secured an additional $15 million for Indigenous Protected Areas to ensure the program grows and strengthens".

Media Release Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Issues