Greens welcome start of reforms to ensure older Australians are safe in aged care but more needs to be done


Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has welcomed Government moves to ensure safe, quality aged care, but says more work needs to be done. 

“All sides of politics were shocked by abuses revealed in the Oakden and other scandals, it became clearer than ever that there needed to be a dramatic shake-up to ensure that older Australians were safe in aged care across the country. 

“The reforms announced today are a step in the right direction, particularly plans to establish a national independent Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. 

“I will note though that the Government has not responded to all the recommendations in the various recent reviews, they must commit to further reform so that aged care facilities are as safe as can be for older Australians.  

“I welcome that there will be a public rating against quality standards, which will increase transparency, but more work needs to be done to ensure that the standards meet community expectations of the best possible care. 

“There is urgent action needed to address mental health of older Australians in aged care facilities which is disproportionately high. It is essential that people in residential aged care get access to mental health services".

Media Release Family, Ageing and Community Services