Greens welcome UN court decision on South China Sea


The Greens have welcomed the Permanent Court of Arbitration ruling that China’s attempts to claim territorial rights in the South China Sea have no basis, and called on all parties to the brewing conflict to abide by this decision.
“Peace and stability in our region will only be achieved if all parties to the South China Sea conflict respect the decision of the Court,” said Greens foreign affairs spokesperson and co-deputy leader Scott Ludlam.
“This decision provides a clear legal rationale for territorial claims in the region, and this must provide the basis for future discussions.
“It is possible for this decision to mark a critical turning point in the South China Sea, signalling the beginning of a peaceful resolution.
“We also note the ruling condemned the “irreparable” damage to the environment, particularly to coral reefs, caused by China’s development of the area. This conflict is not only risking peace and stability in our region, but has caused permanent damage to the environment.”
“The Greens call on all parties to respect the decision of the Court, in order to avoid further destabilisation in the region.”