Greens will reverse cuts to aged care sector


The Australian Greens have announced they will oppose the $1.6billion cuts to the aged care sector made by the Government in the 2015-16 MYEFO and the most recent Federal Budget.

“In the last year the Coalition Government has taken an axe to the aged care sector, collectively cutting $1.6billion in funding from aged care by cutting funding to ACFI (Aged Care Funding Instrument)”, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert said today.

“Many providers and aged care residents across the country have raised concerns with me about the impacts cuts through the Aged Care Funding Instrument will have. Changes to the complex health care domain will impact on people suffering from chronic pain, degenerative diseases, severe arthritis and complex wounds.

“The sector has also raised concerns about the lack of consultation and transparency in the cuts the Coalition plans to make to aged care. These concerns highlight the need for a full cost of care study, which the sector has long been calling for.

“Rather than taking a swing at the Aged Care Funding Instrument, the government should undertake a full a cost of care study and a proper review of ACFI rather than these ad hoc changes. This could then inform an ACFI reform process.

“An ad hoc tightening of the ACFI is about Government saving money not genuine reform. The Greens propose to halt the cut and call on Government to undertake a proper review process”.