Greens write to PM calling for justice targets


In the lead up to the Redfern Statement and Closing the Gap address by the Prime Minister, Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert has written to the PM urging him to implement justice targets.

"The Redfern Statement and Closing the Gap report is just around the corner, and rather than speak with rhetoric about efforts to reduce  disadvantage, the Prime Minister should set targets to help reduce Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' incarceration.

"Justice targets have repeatedly been called for by Aboriginal leaders and these calls have been rejected by the Government, particularly the Minister for Indigenous Affairs who has scoffed at the idea. We have national targets in other areas of Close the Gap efforts, why are justice targets so unfeasible? 

"In the last ten years, rather than reducing incarceration, we have seen a heartbreaking 88% in the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in our prisons. 

“Despite hundreds of recommendations for action, the Government’s primary response has been yet another inquiry – justice targets are part of the solution and should be implemented now.

"I urge the Prime Minister to announce justice targets as part of his renewed Close the Gap efforts."

Media Release Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Issues