Monday, 8 August
WA Greens MLC Robin Chapple has called on new Nationals leader, Brendon Grylls, to justify his plans for a levy on iron ore super profits.
“The Greens have always advocated for large mining corporations, particularly those making super profits, to pay a higher tax rate or royalty on those minerals,” Mr Chapple said.
“So it is really astounding to me that the National Party - who have opposed similar measures in the past - may now be heading to the next state election on that platform.
“It also seems illogical not to include other significant producers such as FMG and Roy Hill, and other linked industries such as Magnetite, while they’re at it!
“It is concerning to me that the old parties continue to see progress, and the future of our state, through a lens of iron ore when the impacts this tunnel vision has had on our economy are so glaringly obvious.
“Western Australia is suffering economically because there has been no foresight beyond mining, and there has been very little investment into new and innovative industries that our state has a great potential for that is still yet to be realised.”