Homophobic lies and misinformation about Safe Schools must stop


The continued spread of lies and misinformation about Safe Schools represents callous attempts to marginalise a vulnerable group of young people, Greens spokesperson for sexuality and gender identity Lynn MacLaren MLC has said today.

Ms MacLaren said claims from across Federal and State politics, most recently in a Facebook video posted by Joe Francis MLA this week, were not just inaccurate – but absolutely wrong.

“The report from UWA’s Professor William Louden published in March 2016 spelled out in no uncertain terms why Safe Schools was appropriate for high school students.

“Professor Louden made it clear he found the resources contained in Safe Schools to be ‘suitable, robust and age-appropriate’ for this age group.”

“And yet this week Joe Francis continues to assert, just weeks after Colin Barnett admitted he had never bothered to read the material, the malicious untruth that Safe Schools is available to four-year-olds.

“That senior politicians continue to make false claims about Safe Schools is completely reprehensible.

“The continued, deliberate spreading of misinformation can only be described as a homophobic attack on the LGBTIQA+ community – and it must stop immediately.”

Ms MacLaren said Safe Schools was designed to support and protect some of the State’s most vulnerable young people.

“Safe Schools saves lives,” she said. 

Related campaign:  Make Schools Safer Related portfolios:  Sexuality and Gender Identity