Inquiry into the 2016 Census


That the following matters be referred to the Economics References Committee for inquiry and report by 24 November 2016:
The 2016 Census, with particular reference to:
(a) the preparation, administration and management on the part of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) and the Government in the lead up to the 2016 Census;
(b) the scope, collection, retention, security and use of data obtained in the 2016 Census;
(c) arrangements, including contractual arrangements, in respect of the information technology aspects of the Census;
(d) the shutting down of the Census website on the evening of 9 August 2016, the factors leading to that shutdown and the reasons given, and the support provided by government agencies, including the Australian Signals Directorate;
(e) the response rate to the Census and factors that may have affected the response rate;
(f) privacy concerns in respect of the 2016 Census, including the use of data linking, information security and statistical linkage keys;
(g) Australia's Census of Population and Housing generally, including purpose, scope, regularity and cost and benefits;
(h) the adequacy of funding and resources to the ABS;
   (i) ministerial oversight and responsibility; and
(j) any related matters.