Labor must reverse camp school closure: Greens WA


Monday, 8 January 2018

The Greens (WA) member for the Mining and Pastoral Region, Robin Chapple MLC, has welcomed the government’s decision to reverse cuts to Schools of the Air, but has called on Labor to not close the camp schools associated with the SOTA program.

Despite cuts to SOTA being reversed, the future of camp schools in WA remains uncertain with the government seeking to reduce costs.

“Camps are integral to the socialisation of SOTA kids, and are a crucial resource for rural areas that should not be in the firing line,” Mr Chapple said.

“What the government now needs to do is commit to ongoing funding for regional students and remove the threat that has been hanging over remote parents for weeks now.

“The government’s change of heart is certainly welcome, but remote families expect a full walk back on all cuts to regional education.

“We will continue to fight against the closure of the camp schools and will support regional communities in their efforts to be heard by this government.”