#LetThemStay - stop forced returns to Nauru!


SNAP ACTION.  Organised by the Refugee Rights Action Network (RRAN) - www.rran.org . See the Event page . Today, the High Court delivered their ruling on an important challenge to the legality of Australia’s offshore detention regime. This means the injunction preventing the return of asylum seekers to Nauru has been lifted (lawyers will get 72 hrs notice of removals). It now becomes possible for the government to send 267 people, including women who have been sexually assaulted, over 80 children and 41 babies (32 of which have been born in Australia) to Nauru. All are terrified of being sent back to Nauru where most have faced sexual assault, mental or physical harm. Here in Perth, there are people at risk of being transferred to Darwin and subsequently forcibly sent to Nauru. This includes a Syrian family with a baby and an Iranian couple who were transferred to the mainland for medical treatment. We are calling for members of the Perth community to show these men, women and children their support. Read more here: "The faces of the babies Australia wants to send back to 'hell' on Nauru" and sign the GetUp Petition here . Event Date and Time:  Thursday, February 4, 2016 - 6:30pm Location / Address:  Perth Immigration Residential Housing (PIRH), 97-99 Kanowna Avenue, East Redcliffe. States:  WA