Liza Harvey must denounce One Nation


The Greens have called on the next Liberal leader, Liza Harvey, to formally declare her party will preference One Nation last after it was revealed Pilbara candidate David Archibald said 'single women were too lazy to hold a man'.

Greens candidate Alison Xamon said it would be up to the next leader of the Liberal party to manage the mess the Liberals will create if they deliver any One Nation candidate into the lower house after Colin Barnett inevitably vacates the position in the next term.

"First One Nation went after Muslims, Asians, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people and women who wear burqas, now they're going after single mothers. Is there anyone they won't demonise?" she said. "Liza Harvey needs to declare her party will not legitimise this party who seek to demonise hard working Western Australians, because whether the Liberals win the March election or not, it will be Liza as Premier or leader of the opposition who will have to deal with this racist, sexist party in the parliament. "And it will be their fault. Liberal voters won't stand for it."