Local Councils demonstrate broad support for marriage equality


Greens spokesperson for Sexuality and Gender Identity Lynn MacLaren MLC has congratulated the Cities of Fremantle and Bayswater on adopting formal positions to support marriage equality last night.

“Local government elected councillors have stepped up because our federal Parliament needs more incentive to act,” she said.

“Similar motions are being passed in many states.”

Ms MacLaren said she was delighted with the unanimous support for City’s Fremantle council’s motion that it:

1a) Believes that the fundamental human rights principle of equality means civil marriage should be available without discrimination, to all couples, regardless of sex, sexual orientation or gender identity

b) Believes that elected representatives have a responsibility to promote and protect the rights of all citizens as proclaimed in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. (ICCPR)

c) Supports the concept of Marriage Equality as promoting and protecting the civil rights of all citizens including the right to equality and non-discrimination by law.

d) Supports as a fundamental human right the introduction of legislation in the Commonwealth Parliament to provide for (Civil) Marriage Equality.

2. Write to all Federal Members of Parliament and the Commonwealth Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission advising them of council’s support; and

3. Write to all political parties with representation in the Federal Parliament encouraging them to prioritise debating changes to the Marriage Act and allow a conscience vote on marriage equality.

Cr. Catherine Erhardt’s motion at City of Bayswater also passed 5/4.

“The passing of these motions at Fremantle and at Bayswater shows the community want to keep talking about this – and to keep highlighting the injustice that remains as long as we do not have marriage equality.

“It solidifies what we already knew - there is broad support for changing the law to ensure all people are treated equally.

“The community wants its political leaders across all levels of Government to commit to standing up for those rights.”

Ms MacLaren said Greens in the next Parliament – and across the country – would continue to stand up for the LGBTIQA+ community until marriage equality was achieved.  

Ms MacLaren has been a steadfast advocate for same sex marriage throughout her eight years in WA Parliament. She introduced her Marriage Equality Bill in 2012 and again in 2013. She regularly speaks up for LGBTIQA+ rights at marriage equality and Safe Schools rallies. She has marched in every Pride WA Parade. And Sydney’s Mardi Gras.


Related campaign:  Marriage Equality Related portfolios:  Sexuality and Gender Identity