Mandogalup residents should be compensated over State land grab


More than 100 residents who stand to lose out if the WA Government passes legislation allowing a buffer zone around the Kwinana Industrial area should be duly compensated, says Greens Member for South Metropolitan Region Lynn MacLaren MLC.
“Through a question in Parliament at the end of last week, I pressed the Government about whether it planned to compensate the 112 residents who will be directly affected if this legislation is passed,” Ms MacLaren said.
“The Government admitted that residents would not be compensated, claiming that the affected land in Mandogalup would not be ‘injuriously affected.’
“We know that this doesn’t ring true. The enjoyment and use of their properties will be limited once the buffer is implemented.
“I met with residents earlier this month, who told me they were very concerned about house prices falling because of this and the restrictions that will most likely be placed on their land’s development potential.
“Surely, compensation should be considered if the Government is going to change the potential usage of their properties.
“The Government also admitted to me that no studies had been carried out to establish whether the extra land was needed for industrial use.
“If there is a health risk, residents should be fully informed. Otherwise, industry should be held to stick by their long established plan to decommission the nearby facility.”